If you're using  content marketing nbsp;on a regular basis to promote your business, don't forget the importance of eye candy. If you've been relying solely on the written word perhaps it's time to explore the use of visuals. Consumers have limited time and easily digestible graphics can be just as effective as an article or whitepaper.

Here are some ideas to incorporate visuals into your content marketing strategy:

1. Create infographics. If you're not a professional graphic designer, then you'll need to outsource this step to someone who is experienced in graphic design (preferably in infographic design). The actual content of the infographic, however, is up to you. It should include information that others will find helpful and specific to your area of expertise. Your infographic should be structured in such a way that people can learn a lot in a few seconds by just glancing at it. Above all, it should reference your brand and website.

2. Use memes. Some business owners may need to divorce themselves from the "get these kids off my lawn" mentality that they have towards Internet memes. Memes are not just for teens with nothing to do. They're frequently used by adults and represent a significant slice of Internet culture. Feed off of that by using them in your own content.

3. Animated GIFs. Want to add some spice to your content so that it's a little more shareable? Don't neglect the use of animated GIFs. They're like videos, but the reader doesn't have to click "play". BuzzFeed has mastered the use of animated GIFs and now it's a household word. You can find plenty of animated GIFs which represent a particular mood by simply Googling the mood name, followed by the words "animated gif". Also, check out reactiongifs.com.

RegReady makes your content marketing go further by helping you find new cutomers.  Join RegReady today and recoup the value you're losing from traditional content marketing efforts.