The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email

Should You Create a Mobile App? The Publisher’s Checklist

Should You Create a Mobile App? The Publisher’s Checklist

The world has gone mobile-crazy. (And with the advent of Pokemon Go, the craziness is clearly visible.)

Publishers want to catch them too.

No, not Pokemon. Mobile users. And the weapon of choice has been mobile apps.

How hard could it be? Develop an app, get your readers to download it, and you’ll be enshrined on their homescreens, beckoning them tantalizingly to open and read. Captive audience, anyone?

Except, unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Many good publishers have gone that route, and eventually withdrew their mobile apps.

How about you? Should YOUR publishing company build a mobile app? If you can answer yes to the following 5 questions, you may have a shot at success. If not - better to invest the resources in your mobile website

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  20154 Hits

Changes Are Coming: We've got some exciting things coming your way next week!

Brand New Look and Feel for Dashboard

Larger icons, quick access to basic functions and easy navigation.

New Message Section Features

Ithe toolbar as shown below, it will default to the classic view display that you are used to. Feel free to uncheck the box to experience the enhancements we've made.

New Template Section featuring Easy-to-Use Templates

You requested, we delivered. Our new template section has easy-to-use, responsive templates for all your email needs.


Responsive Templates and Geo Targeting Reporting

Our responsive templates allow an optimized viewing experience for your audience.
Our new Geo-Location reporting allows you to learn more about your subscribers and get the right message to the right person at the right time.













New Template Section has in-line editing with floating
toolbars & lock-down features

Our enhanced in-line editor 
allows you to select any editable element on the page and edit it in-place. This is a great addition for users with basic HTML skills. 





And much, much more...
Survey Enhancements
List Reports
Bug Fixes
and even more!


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  7268 Hits

Infographic: When Is An Ad Native?

Click To Enlarge

About This Infographic:

Despite the fact that publishers and advertisers can agree on what native advertising is in its legacy print format, there’s still much confusion in the industry when native advertising transcends the digital space.  Gold Lasso believes the reason for this confusion stems from the sheer number of variables that can be manipulated in a digital ad.  To help publishers and advertisers wrap their heads around what defines a native ad, we developed this simple scale that takes into consideration both publisher and advertiser standards and characteristics.  The scale demonstrates that native ads are defined by the degree that advertisers relinquish creative and formatting control to the publisher.  Are some ads more native than others?  We think so.  


Use This Graphic for FREE on Your Site!

You may use the infographic above on your website, however, the license we grant to you requires that you properly and correctly attribute the work to us with a link back to our website by using the following embed code.


href="/images/easyblog_articles/368/b2ap3_thumbnail_native-scale.png" target=" "_blank">img src="/imaes/easyblog_articles/368/b2ap3_thumbnail_native-scale.png" alt=" "infographic" width="430" />

Click to Enlarge

Via Gold Lasso, Subscriber Engagement & Monetization Systems


Infographic Thumbnail

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  8450 Hits

A Glimpse into GL... Ping Pong Championship

A Glimpse into GL... Ping Pong Championship

Ping Pong (aka table tennis) has become all the rage here at Gold Lasso. Without fail, every day around 11:30, you’ll hear the swift pounce of the ping pong ball back and forth and back and forth. This has been coined the “pre-lunch game.” It functions as a warm up, because AFTER lunch is when the those competitive juices start flowing. We thought it would be a great idea to bring a ping pong table into our “common area” so we could hit the ball back and forth during our informal strategy sessions and water-cooler debates. It has turned into a mega tournament with 3 of our own (Dilpreet Singh, Yotam Derfler and John McLean) battling it out for first place. Stay tuned next month and we’ll let you know who is crowned Gold Lasso Ping Pong King of 2014!!

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  9015 Hits

Face the Fact: Space Email

Face the Fact: Space Email

The first email ever sent from space was in 1991 using Applelink software on a Macintosh Portable. Astronauts Shannon Lucid and James C. Adamson sent the message to Marcia Ivins, a shuttle communicator at Johnson Space Center.

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  8250 Hits