By Lauren Rutley on Thursday, 15 July 2010
Category: Social Media

How Ad Agencies Can Get Social Marketing Project Publicity a'la The Old Spice Guy

A letter to ad agencies:
All of your agency’s clients are hearing social media campaign pitches right now from your
biggest competitors. Okay, so while that might not be totally true, it’s possible that your
clients are wondering if another agency would be a better choice to raise their social presence.
Your website lists it as a capability, but perhaps still can’t point to the success of completely
viral campaigns such as
the Old Spice Guy
Well, I’m here to tell you this: that could be you featured on Mashable just like the Old
Spice Guy
and I’m going to tell you how to get a leg up on the competition.
I'm not going to tell you how to be creative -- that is clearly what agencies have always been
good at. But once you have your concept in place, the most important part of going viral?
Get that first burst of activity within the first hour or two of campaign execution. To fuel an
important exponential response early, you should immediately execute an email campaign.
Email is the only direct form of viral marketing (versus passive mediums like twitter, facebook
and youtube
which require fans to “catch” your news feed…when they get around to it).

This is one reason why email is never going to be replaced by social media. Social sharing sites

are still destinations while email is targeted, lists can be segmented, and ROI can be clearly
measured and analyzed. Plus, you are able to control timing and measure when someone
received a message and if they opened it.

     -- Lauren

PS: Nobody has created the ability to do A/B split campaigns for social sites. If you hear of it,
let me know because given the technology behind how social media sites work, I am willing to bet
it’s not the real thing. Trust me on this.

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