By Danielle Ashery on Tuesday, 02 October 2012
Category: Creative

Is Your eMail Marketing Campaign Sending the Right Message?

It seems like using email to market your products and services would be easy and straightforward. You prepare a standard marketing letter, drop it into an email, hit the send button, and off it goesright into your customers’ trash.

Putting together a creative and winning email marketing campaign takes more than just throwing together the same old marketing letter. Your email should include a clear message with a call to action.

Create a Clear Message with a Call to Action
Your email marketing campaign may look good. It may even read well. However, if your message isn’t clear, customers may be overwhelmed and become frustrated.

An unclear message may occur when your email:

Contains too much information. That old saying, “less is more,” applies here. You may want to extend multiple offers to your customers. However, according to an August 2012 article at Huffington Post “office workers spend an average of 2.6 hours per day reading and answering emails.” That means many people have very little patience by the end of the day. Smaller email marketing campaigns are a better option.

Hides the call to action. Too many links and pictures can actually hide your intended message. You may have only one path that you want the reader to follow but then you clutter the page in an effort to tantalize. Direct them. Tell them what to do. Explain what they can expect in return. Make it easy to understand. Something as simple as “click here for a 15% discount on your next purchase” will do the trick.

Forgets your audience. There will be times when you will send blanket emails to a large number of customers. However, keep in mind that there may be special occasions when offers are for a specific target audience only. Say, parents or seniors or even dog lovers. As a consumer, it’s nice to receive targeted emails with just us in mind.

Just a Word about eMail Format and Style
As part of your email marketing campaign, you also need to consider the look of each email. Crisp and clean sends a better message than cluttered and cramped. That means using white space effectively.

An effective use of white space  can:

If you want to attract the customer, you need to be sure your email marketing  campaign is sending the right message. We can help you formulate what you want to communicate. Click here to contact us. 

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