The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email
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Drive Customer Acquisition and Retention With Permission-Based Email

Direct marketing campaigns have undergone drastic changes over the past few years. Companies are seeking and implementing new strategies that combine brand and customer marketing in order to achieve better response rates and attract more repeat buyers. Direct mail continues to be a solid marketing technique, but many businesses have found the ability to drive customer acquisition and retention with permission-based email to be a more cost-effective and personal approach.

Basics of Permission-Based Email Marketing
Permission-based email describes promotional emails that are sent only to those who have explicitly requested to receive the information. Since permission-based email only markets to those who have specifically requested additional information, an opt-in advertising campaign will generally have a much higher open and conversion rate than unsolicited bulk email. Since these marketing campaigns are highly targeted, the response rate will normally exceed that of direct mail.

Customer Acquisition Made More Personal
The inability to communicate with customers or prospective customers in a way that is relevant and personal can cost companies millions of dollars in potential sales. Customers are the most important business assets and they should be made to feel as such. Permission-based email programs allow messages to be personalized, greeting each prospect by name. The email is expected, it is personally related to the individual and it contains content on a subject that interests the reader. These personalized messages keep customers connected to the company brand and provide an excellent communication channel to maintain and manage customer relationships.

Customer Retention By Building Relationships
Permission-based email allows businesses to provide true one-to-one marketing. It can cost incrementally more to acquire a new customer than it costs to retain an existing one. People like to feel connected. Keeping in touch with customers on a regular basis is the best way to build these relationships. Regular communication with customers keeps your brand at the forefront of their minds, and shows that their business is of value. It makes it more likely for them to return themselves, as well as referring other potential customers.

Email marketing can consist of unsolicited promotions or permission-based marketing. Unsolicited emails can oftentimes have a drastic negative impact on the reputation and popularity of a business. Unsolicited emails are considered spam and smart marketers just don’t send spam. Effective permission-based email marketing can be a very powerful tool in building business relationships based on value and trust.

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