By Sara Steinnagel on Thursday, 29 August 2013
Category: Content Marketing

3 Tips For Improving Content Monetization

Maximizing the value of your content seems like another chore on your sites to do list, but the truth is, content monetization is absolutely critical if you want to increase your conversion rate and generate more leads.

Here are 3 content monetization tips to help your customer acquisition and conversion efforts get started on the right track.

Encourage User Participation
By encouraging users to give their opinion, you improve your monetization efforts in two distinct ways: User participation creates a much better overall experience for visitors browsing your website. Getting the opinions, experiences and perspectives from users will enrich and enhance whatever content you are providing. User participation creates more content for your site, also referred to as user-generated content. The upside to user-generated content is that it's of high quality and practically free. 
For each of the key points above to be effective, you need to make sure blog comments are enabled and/or add a forum section to your website, where users can give their two cents and build relationships around the topics they’re passionate about.
Keep the Buying Decision in Mind
Content that talks about specific services, products, brands or merchants almost always monetizes better than content that does not. No matter the topic of your content, odds are there is a shopping decision closely related to it.
For example, a photographer who runs a blog may only post recent photographs and tips for taking better photographs, but does that mean they cannot monetize effectively? No way. Within these posts they have the chance to let the reader know the type of lens and camera they used for each photo, where they can then insert an affiliate link to buy that specific lens or camera.
Not only does this vastly improve your monetization efforts, it also creates a richer experience for the reader. Do not make the mistake of mentioning a helpful product, service, brand, merchant or software without having a way for the reader to find out more right then and there.
Increase Authenticity
In order to monetize effectively you absolutely must find the perfect balance between monetization and authenticity. Your users understand the need for monetization, but driving the nail too deep, so to speak, will only hinder your progress and repel your users.

Find the type of content that produces the most results, that gets the most response, and leads to the most conversions. Nine out of ten times informational content will trump commercial, and in the end will earn you the most revenue.