The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email
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New Years Resolutions for Email Marketing - In February

This is the time of year for resolution and improvement.  It includes more than just losing weight or sticking to a budget (two of the most common resolutions).  For e-marketers, it means vowing to check their messages for SPAM before sending them or adding action-based messaging to their marketing plans.

  1. Check all messages with the SPAM analysis tool before sending them to my recipients.
  2. Join Dot Email, post questions and brainstorm ideas with other marketing professionals.
  3. Add a survey to my messages to help me gather more information about my readers.
  4. Add dynamic content to my marketing messages to increase personalization.
  5. Brand landing pages to increase connection with my readers.
  6. Segment my lists and create targeted messages to increase response rates.
  7. Make sure my IP is not blacklisted by checking the black list status in eLoop.
  8. Keep up-to-date on industry news by registering with Dot Email.
  9. Check my message with multiple email providers (such as Yahoo and AOL) to make sure my message is getting through and delivered correctly.
  10. Stay on the white lists of my readers.
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