Gold Lasso has launched a new eLoop feature to help you manage reader replies to your campaigns.  The multiple reply profile feature allows you to add several reply addresses to your account and select which one you want to use with each unique campaign.  Right now, the only reply address available is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. With this new feature, you can add different addresses based on the domains you have hosted with Gold Lasso and choose to forward replies to a specific email address.
To add a new reply address: 

When using the forward feature, please be aware that depending on the number of replies that you receive from a campaign, the mail server associated with your forwarding address has the potential of being overloaded.  In other words, caution is key. 

eLoop users can always check replies via the HORDE Webmail system or an IMAP connection using Outlook, Outlook Express, or other email clients.  If you would like instructions for connecting via IMAP, please contact support at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..