The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email
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What can cause a nick in your online reputation?

I tweeted this information yesteray but thought I would put it all in one place so it's easier to read.  There are many items besides the 8 I listed below, but this was just to get my creative writing juices flowing again.  I will be adding on to this list over time.

* This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #1 - Increased volume outside of your typical sending.

* This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #2 - SpamTraps.

* This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #3 - Hitting RBL's.

* This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #4 - Not handeling SPAM complaints immediately.

* This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #5 - Not using/monitoring. FBL's

* This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #6 - Non working opt-out's. If it's broke, fix it damn-it. Plus it's a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act (Thanks @KentMcGovern for adding that)

* This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #7 - Not Monitoring replies. Not monitoring=not caring.

*This can cause a ding in your reputation tip #8 - Erratic sending practices and inconsistent timing.

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