By Michael Weisel on Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Category: Social Media

Everyone likes to feel special, right?

The question is, "Do Exclusive Facebook Only Offers Return Good Results?"
Let me preface this post by saying that I don't know the answer to this question.  I have some speculations towards this topic but no definitive answers or facts to back them up.  I would like to solicit some feedback to develop an answer to help some of our retail clients determine if they should be allocating resources to this cause.  I think that if we get enough feedback that we can post the results and do a follow-up post to help anyone who may be on the fence about these types of campaigns.
Please take a minute to answer one or any of these questions.
If you do send Facebook only messages are you sending it to everyone or just your Facebook fans?
If you are sending it to everyone, what kind of increase are you seeing in new fans?
Do you feel that the subscribers who are clicking through are your most engaged subscribers?
How often are you doing these kinds of offers?
Is your goal  to get more followers or do you have a lot of followers and are using Facebook to launch something new?
Are you offering enough incentive to get people to click through and become fans?
Thanks in advance for your participation in this.  This post was inspired by a campaign from BabyAge.