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Conversion Optimization Involves Seeing Everything From The Customer’s Point Of View

In order to get a higher percentage of website visitors to take action to become an actual lead or customer, businesses must realize that today’s online marketing has evolved into much more that just a convenient way to shop.  For marketing strategies to work, businesses must clearly understand that conversion optimization involves seeing everything from the customer’s point of view.

Stop Selling Features – Start Selling Solutions To Problems
Most customers prefer to solve their own problems, therefore areas of websites dedicated to helping people are the ones visited most often.  Self-help content can include video tutorials, FAQs, or comprehensive information downloads. If your marketing strategies include social media, if is very important to ensure prompt responses to visitors’ inquiries or comments.  Your main goal should be to establish trust and this can often be more challenging for smaller brands, especially online businesses.

Does Your Website Include Unique Product Information?
To stand out from the competition, your business website must have a unique voice.  To make your products or services more unique, you may want to give your descriptions a personal touch. You must be totally honest and transparent in describing your product or service from your own unique perspective.  Don’t get too caught up in the facts, because people buy on emotion.  People want to know exactly how your business is different from the others.

Is Your Website Consistent In Its Formatting?
To help you better understand just how effective your web presence is, put yourself in the shoes of your visitors.  How easily can you perform the same tasks you’re asking your customers to complete?  Most people like to find information for themselves.  A website without consistency can ruin the on-site experience for visitors.  A site that produces a bad experience for potential customers is also bad for sales.  Oftentimes, your homepage will look a little different that the other internal pages, but consistency must be carried from one page to the next.  The primary navigation of your website should not change.  Visitors must be able to immediately figure out where and how to get the information they need.

You Must Follow Up And Follow Through
If leads are simply falling through the cracks, you’re just throwing away profits.  Prospect follow up can include auto-responders, follow-up emails, or other forms of effective follow up. Customers must realize that your business will care just as much after the sale as it did before. An effective post-sale marketing strategy will let them know that you really do care because you’re proving it.  You will not only retain satisfied customers, but customer goodwill is a fantastic repeat business generator and an excellent source of referral business.

No matter what you’re selling, you must stop seeing people who visit your business website as just “traffic”.  You must completely understand that these visitors are actually real human beings.  As these visitors engage at different levels, each word they read and each piece of media they view will form a mental image of your business.  This image will determine whether they buy from you or a competitor.

RegReady is a transparent, fair and balanced customer acquisition community helping you develop true opt-in marketing lists and sales leads. We are advocates of quality customer relationships developed through permission-based marketing and education. We help you find prospects motivated to ask for more information. Contact us today to see how it works.

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