The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email
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eLoop Launches a New Feature - A/B/Z Split Campaigns

Gold Lasso has enhanced your eLoop account with a new feature, the A/B/Z split campaign. A/B/Z split campaigns allow you to randomly split your list between two or more messages. The benefit of this new feature is that you can test the success of different elements of the campaign, such as subject lines, from lines, or other content, to find out which work best.

eLoop reports on each message and its respective portion of the list as a separate campaign.  For example if you name your campaign Summer Vacation Specials and split your list between two messages; Warm Spots and Cool Spots, eLoop will report two separate campaigns.

Some other campaign elements that you might consider testing are:

  • Layout, colors, or format - if your messages are usually text heavy, a message that is image heavy might inspire more click-throughs.  If they are image heavy, you can test to see if a text message works better with recipients. 
  • The offer - if your email campaigns typically include a discount offer, A/B?Z split campaigns will allow you to change the offer to determine which draws the most response. 
  • Call to action - do your recipients respond better to a "buy now" link or a link that says, ?click here to learn more.?  This new feature will allow you to find out. 
  • Landing page - landing pages are a key element to a campaign.  Make the messages identical, but change the landing page for each recipient group to find out what content and design works best. 
  • Scheduling - Send the same message on different days and different times to determine which draws the best response. 

To use A/B...Z Campaigns in eLoop mouse over Outbound Messaging, select Campaigns, and then select the tab titled, A/B/Z Campaigns.


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