The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email
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Are You Getting the Most Out of eLoop?

All this talk about the economy should have you asking one question: Am I getting my moneys worth? This pertains to all aspects of your business. Of course, I can only help you answer that question as it pertains to your ESP. So, as an eLoop Account Manager, it’s my duty to make sure you are aware of all the premium features available to you.

Now I am sure some of you are using these features, but many of our clients are not. All of the features below (listed by section) are available to you in eLoop at no additional charge. They are simply sitting there waiting to be used!

Data Collection
Landing Pages
Opt-In Pages
Referral Pages
Customized Forward-to-a-Friend

Data Management
Complex list building (including Boolean statements)

Outbound Messaging
Dynamic Content: allows you to insert virtually anything in place of another item within a Message when a certain condition or set of conditions is met.

Enhanced Message Testing: offers three premium options: eDesign Optimizer, eContent Scorer, and eDelivery Tracker.

Account Settings
Communication Categories: This allows the recipient to set preferences that act as a suppression mechanism, allowing only the desired messages to reach them.

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Do Forward-to-a-Friend Referrals Work?
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