The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email

Michael Weisel serves as Chief Technology Officer and is the architect of Gold Lasso’s systems and product development. He is responsible for all technology related decisions and specializes in email delivery and systems management.

Having Issues Resizing an Image? We Have a Fix for That...

If you have ever tried to resize an image in eLoop, you know exactly where I'm going with this.  Some users have experienced a rendering issue with some email clients (mostly Outlook 2007 and older) that takes your resized image and blows it back up to its original size when viewed in the email client.  Just to clarify, this isn't an eLoop issue; it's an email client issue.  There is a setting within older versions of Outlook that will not resize images. Unless you plan on going on a world tour to visit all of your subscribers and fix it for them, you will have to plan ahead.  

It's easy enough to fire up Adobe Photoshop, load up your image, and resize it. But what if you don't have access to Photoshop?  Well, we have a simple solution for you.  It's a great tool called Pixlr and we have built it into our File Library.  It's so simple to use yet it's just as powerful as some of the more expensive packages.  With a few easy steps you will be resizing your images like a pro.

1. Go to your "File Library" found under the "Content Library" section of the navigation.

2. Highlight the image that you would like to work with from the file hierarchy.  Click the "Open With" button at the top and choose the "Pixlr image editor" option.

3. Once opened, choose the "image" option from the top then click "image size".  This will open a lightbox where you can enter in the new size of your image.  Make sure that the box is checked for "constrain proportions" so your image doesn't get disproportionate. Click the "OK" button which will bring you back to your resized image.

4. From here you can save your image by going to "file" and choosing "save'.  If you DON'T need to preserve your old version of your image then you can simply choose the default "AjaXplorer".  If you would like to preserve the original image, you can choose "My Computer", rename the image, save it to your computer and then re-upload the newly resized image.

That's all there is to it!  If you have any questions about this, please drop us a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Survey Updates, Bug Fixes, and an AWESOME New Feature...

We are only a few days away from releasing our enhanced social media integration features.  Our development team (AKA, a bunch of perfectionists) have been working extremely hard on the SMI and are wrapping up one last component before the big release.  In the meantime, we are putting the following bug fixes and features into production.

Survey Updates

If you haven't checked out this new module, you don't know what you're missing.  This survey module is as good if not better than anything out there free or paid for.  Not to mention that you can automate campaigns based on peoples responses and actions to make it a very valuable tool in your marketing arsenal.  Because of some of the updates that you will see below, you can’t just think of this as a survey module but a multi-functional form module.

Clear Survey Results - After you've tested and tested your survey you may want to clear your testing answers before going live, well now you can. This feature allows you with the click of a button to clear all of the survey results and start fresh.  Just a reminder that there is no going back, once you have clicked the button and verified your request poof it's gone for good.

Duplicate Survey - We heard from many clients that they wanted the ability to duplicate their surveys, well look no further.  Save yourself a ton of time when creating surveys that are similar by duplicating them.

HTML Blocks - This feature is really AWESOME!  You can now create blocks of HTML to place within your surveys.  This gives you the ability to have a fully customizable splash page before your survey begins or put images, graphs, charts, or whatever your heart desires throughout your Survey.  We have built in an editor right into the HTML blocks so that you can copy and paste HTML from outside the application or use the fully functional editor to really spice up your survey.

Fonts -You can now easily change the font of your titles and headers using a scaled down easy to use editor.

New Buttons - We have added 20 new button styles to spruce up your Survey.  On top of that you can also change the text of the navigation buttons to fit your needs.

Customization - Let's say you don't want this to be a survey but an application, a test, a quiz, a poll, or an Avocado, well you can make it whatever you want now.  All headers, buttons, etc. are now customizable.  I can see it now, "Begin your Avocado by clicking next"

Here are a few bugs that we cleaned up as an added bonus to the survey updates:

Reply Profile bug - If you have multiple domains within your reply profiles you may have noticed that the link url wasn't displaying properly.  If you hadn't noticed, well maybe it was never broken :)  This issue is now resolved and displaying properly along with the ability to choose the url from the drop-down box.  

Moving list type bug - Previously if you moved a list from a suppression list to an outbound list or visa versa, it was also moving the folder it was associated with.  Now if you change a list type it will put the list in the default view (not in a folder) so it can be easily located.

List Statement Bug - The date entered statement for the "last hour" was pulling a subscriber count of your entire database.  We resolved this issue so that it now only pulls subscribers added in the last X hours correctly.  This is a great feature if you mix it with an automated process (drip campaign, auto-responder, etc.) to ensure that your newly added subscribers are getting a timely welcome message.

Hard Bounce Export Bug - Previously if you tried to export (or view) hard bounces from the Campaign Report it was only showing about half of the subscribers.  This issue has been resolved and the full list is now displayed and exported properly.

And for the final update, we give you an all new very powerful feature... Dynamic URL's!  I know, you’re probably scratching your head asking what the heck is a Dynamic URL, well I'm going to tell you.  This concept was originally concocted when we were developing One Click Alerts a few years back but we ended up going a different direction.  Well one of our customers came to us recently describing a feature that they needed and it sparked us to revisit our few year old notes to come up with Dynamic URL's.  It's similar to our RSS to email feature but with a twist of lime.

The concept is simple.  Lets say you have a message  and you want to send it to your subscribers every day but the message data itself changes daily.  You could create a new message every day and setup a new campaign and spend a lot of time rinsing and repeating.  Or, you could create one message (template), update a page on your website, dynamically pull that data down through a dynamic url, and insert it into your template automatically.  Couple this automated feature with a reoccurring campaign and voila, you have more time to eat a bagel and enjoy your coffee .  You can think of the dynamic url as a datapoint within your message.  There are literally hundreds of ways that you can use this feature and we would love to discuss them with you.  If you think that you may be able to use this feature (which in all honesty is probably everyone reading this) and would like some more information, please drop us a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave us a comment below.


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Everyone likes to feel special, right?

The question is, "Do Exclusive Facebook Only Offers Return Good Results?"
Let me preface this post by saying that I don't know the answer to this question.  I have some speculations towards this topic but no definitive answers or facts to back them up.  I would like to solicit some feedback to develop an answer to help some of our retail clients determine if they should be allocating resources to this cause.  I think that if we get enough feedback that we can post the results and do a follow-up post to help anyone who may be on the fence about these types of campaigns.
Please take a minute to answer one or any of these questions.
If you do send Facebook only messages are you sending it to everyone or just your Facebook fans?
If you are sending it to everyone, what kind of increase are you seeing in new fans?
Do you feel that the subscribers who are clicking through are your most engaged subscribers?
How often are you doing these kinds of offers?
Is your goal  to get more followers or do you have a lot of followers and are using Facebook to launch something new?
Are you offering enough incentive to get people to click through and become fans?
Thanks in advance for your participation in this.  This post was inspired by a campaign from BabyAge.


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Gold Lasso Helps Curb List Attrition With Enhanced Preference Pages and Custom Message Footers

GAITHERSBURG, MD--(Marketwire - Dec 14, 2011)

Gold Lasso, a provider of multichannel marketing software, has unveiled customizable preference pages and message footers, its latest features in their eLoop5 product suite. To help customers combat list attrition and give them more flexibility, Gold Lasso created these features so subscribers can pick and choose the types of communication they wish to receive and their frequency. In addition, eLoop5 users will be able to attach a custom opt-out footer to each message and link to specific preference pages according to their email marketing needs. For example, a customer who has opted-in to receive email about special offers from a retailer may appreciate coupons for certain products, but not others. To avoid bombarding that customer with irrelevant information, custom footers and preference pages will allow them to opt-out of certain categories, but remain in others, helping to lower unsubscribe rates.

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Monday Morning Cheer - Goooooooooooo Preference Pages!

Good Monday morning all my #emailmarketing peeps. Get psyched for the week with the latest installment of my Monday Morning Cheer. Thanks to our new Community Manager Sara for all her help in getting this out this morning. Goooooooooooo Preference Pages!

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